
Thursday, August 18, 2016

children pome - I AM LUCKY


If I were a butterfly
 I would be thankful
For my wings.
 If I were a myna in a tree
 I would be thankful
 That I could sing.                                                          
 If I were a fish in the sea
I would be thankful
That I can wriggle and giggle with glee.
 So, I just think I am lucky to be “me”.
 Not “you” but “me”
. If I were an elephant

I would be thankful
 That I can raise my trunk.
 If I were a kangaroo
 I would try to hop
Right up to the moon
. If I were an octopus
I would be thankful
For my eight arms.
So I just think I am lucky to be “me”.
 Not “you”, but “me”.
What do you think you want to be?
 Do you want to be like me?
Or just you? Just you...

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